Hudson’s Diary (The Collected Works)

These are the collected works of a very good boy named Hudson who has since left us. I was glad to be able to present his work to the world. This selection represents a very tumultuous time in Hudson’s life in which his people, Nicole and Sean, had left him in the care of strangers.

Hudson’s Diary

May 27, 2019

Nicole and Sean failed to materialize overnight. A strange woman attempted to feed me. In my confusion, I growled at her. I must find a way to apologize for my actions.

The strange people call themselves “Colin” and “Larisa.” Though I have seen them before, they have never stayed here. They assure me that Nicole and Sean will be back eventually, but I am not certain.

Perhaps Colin and Larisa have murdered Sean and Nicole and taken possession of the house. A disturbing possibility.

I must remain vigilant. I will keep this diary as a record of my investigations.


Leashed by a stranger-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

May 28, 2019

Day two has come and gone with no further answers, only more questions. I have decided to play along with Colin and Larisa until I can ascertain the whereabouts of Sean and Nicole.

I thought perhaps my dog walker might be an ally in my investigation, but despite my efforts to communicate the situation, she remained friendly toward Colin. Perhaps she is in league with the killers? I am an island in a sea of troubles.

Tonight I will meditate on the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, and seek to find peace in my new reality.


No walks for the wicked-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

May 29, 2019

Today marks the third day since my investigation into the disappearance of Nicole Frances and Sean Rasmussen began.

As if to mock me, Colin and Larisa have followed a version of my normal schedule. Do they think I don’t notice? That I will forget Nicole and Sean and allow this charade to continue? If so, they are mistaken.

Larisa has persisted in calling me increasingly baroque and implausible variations of my name. At first I tried not to respond, but the bastardizations only increased in frequency and intensity. She is currently referring to me as “Huddy-Wuddy-Baby-Nugget.” I cannot imagine it getting worse, and yet somehow I fear it will.

I will sleep now, and seek in dreams the solace that has been denied me these past three days.


You are not a Baby Nugget-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

May 30, 2019

My inquiry is being severely handicapped by the fact that Colin appears not to have a “job” as such. While Larisa leaves each day, he remains. And while he remains, I must keep up the charade of the “good dog.”

I have several contacts who may have information on the fates of Sean and Nicole, but until this layabout leaves the house I will not be able to contact them through conventional channels.

Colin’s indolence did result in my being taken on a noon walk today. I became confused when I was not fed on our return, as is customary for my evening perambulations. Colin laughed at me as I sat by the bowl, before I realized my temporal error.

If it has become a game of wits, I shall see to it that my tormentor realizes I have not come to it unarmed.


A game of wits- Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

May 31, 2019

It has been five days now. My efforts to pursue an inquiry through electronic means have been frustrated by my lack of opposable thumbs or independently functioning digits. Voice commands have been likewise ineffective.

Where Colin and Larisa are concerned, I have decided to adopt a policy of occasional passive resistance. During my morning constitutional I seized upon a stick, which I both refused to drop and refused to walk and chew. My aim is to drive these two interlopers insane so slowly they do not notice until it is too late.

I will consult the works of Sun Tzu in order to prepare should the conflict escalate. Of course, I prefer a peaceful resolution, but as the Romans said, Si vis pacem, para bellum.

I will chew my toy for comfort.


Opposition is resistance-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

June 1st, 2019

Six days since I last saw Sean and Nicole. Despite my efforts to remain stoic, I can feel emotion beginning to cloud my judgment. I have become desperate, and this morning played my riskiest gambit yet.

At the commons I commandeered the tennis ball of a smaller dog, as is my right as a larger dog. Chewing vigorously, I managed to ingest a portion of the ball. Colin and Larisa chased me in vain. I am not too proud to say I enjoyed their frustration immensely.

Everything unfolded as planned from there. The interlopers brought me to the veterinarian’s office. Once I was confident the doctor and I were alone, I attempted to communicate the nature of my predicament and the parameters of my investigations.

Unfortunately, I underestimated the reach of Colin and Larisa’s associates. The veterinarian forced me to expel the remaining pieces of ball, and returned me to the interlopers.

They have brought me to Saint John, thinking perhaps that this is a punishment. They have become overconfident, leaving me in the care of my grandmother, Wendy.

Tonight, I will have my first hopeful rest in six days.

Hudson Robichaud-Rasmussen

Travelling into the unknown-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

June 2nd, 2019

Seven. Seven days. A number of much mythological and cultural importance, one whose mathematical oddities I have studied for years. Today, seven takes on a new and terrible personal significance, as it has been that many days since I last saw Nicole and Sean.

My reprieve at Nanny Robichaud’s was destined to be short-lived. I don’t know how, but Colin and Larisa beguiled my poor, sweet grandmother into releasing me back into their custody. Making her an unwitting accomplice to this injustice is among the worst of their crimes.

The lone bright note in my day was a chance encounter with a puppy in the commons. Her name is Juniper. We played for some time, and in those moments I nearly forgot the tragic events of this past week.

I am reminded of the words of Louis Pasteur, “When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments — tenderness for what he is and respect for what he may become.”

I go to my nook tonight with renewed hope that I may someday find Nicole and Sean again.

Hudson Robichaud-Rasmussen

An oasis of normalcy-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

June 3rd, 2019

Day eight. I have made a small breakthrough. Colin and Larisa have slipped up and made mention of Nicole and Sean “travelling to Spain.” Obviously this is some kind of code. I do not, will not, believe that Nicole and Sean would leave me at home while they visited a country on my bucket list.

Meanwhile, I have been forced to ask myself, is there any circumstance so heinous that one does not eventually become used to it? When this ordeal began, I was fuelled by righteous indignation and my desire to right the wrong so clearly done to myself and my owners by these interlopers!

And yet, with each passing day that fire dims. A small voice says, “Surely it would not be so bad to stay like this. You are being fed. You are being walked. What more could a dog need?” Ah, but that voice is the voice of treason. The voice of weakness. I must not give in to it.

I will turn to Dumas, tonight. I find in my own situation many parallels to the life of Edmund Dantes. My nook has become my own Chateau d’If.

A nook of solitude-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

June 4, 2019

This diary concludes the eighth day of my investigation. This is now the longest I have gone without closing a case. Even the mystery of What Was That Noise Outside? was resolved faster than this.

In my despair, I confided in my hiking companions, although Kailyn remains indifferent to my plight. The other dogs seem to believe the wisest course of action is to give in and accept that Nicole and Sean have left me. I now see that these other dogs have no honour.

This afternoon Larisa and Colin attempted to take me in the car. Not knowing our destination, I pretended not to see the open door, lest they take me somewhere Nicole and Sean cannot find me.

Unfortunately they saw through my clever ruse. Our walk through Point Pleasant was without incident. I believe they are doing this just to prove they can get away with dognapping me in plain sight.

Perhaps I can find some wisdom in Homer this evening. I now understand all too well the words of Eumaeus, the swineherd,to Odysseus, “A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time.”

Hudson Robichaud-Rasmussen

Concrete comfort-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

June 5, 2019

The ninth day dawned cold and cloudy, a dim reflection of my own despair. In a bid to confuse Colin and Larisa, I went right instead of left to start our morning walk, away from the commons.

They were somehow unfazed by this gambit, and continued making banal observations about the state of the weather. They persist in asking me what I’m doing when it is clear that I am looking for a suitable urinary message post.

Tonight, as if to punish me, they sat with me outside a local noodle shop. The smells from the interior had begun to drive me mad before we left. They then consumed their bounty in front of me.

Each day they devise some fresh torture. But each day, I resolve to stay strong for the sake of Nicole and Sean. Perhaps this is a test.

I am reminded, unexpectedly, of the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, “Rejoice that you are in prison. Here you have time to think about your soul.”


I know now that there are noodles in Hell-Photo Credit Hudson

Hudson’s Diary

June 6, 2019

Today I pass a joyless milestone in my investigation. Ten days. What do I have to show for it? Nothing. During my morning hike I was glad for the rain, as it hid my tears from the world.

Colin and Larisa packed their bags and left tonight. Gone. Perhaps for good. If this is a victory, why does it seem so hollow? It has been some time since I studied Plutarch, but I feel like Pyrrhus of Epirus at the end of his war.

I will turn to Mr. Pink Pig, my last and truest friend. I am not a religious animal, but tonight I offer up one final prayer to Dog that I may yet see Sean and Nicole again.

Hudson Robichaud-Rasmussen

A Study in Pink-Photo Credit Hudson


Hudson’s people did return to him. He came to realize his fears were unfounded and that Colin and Larisa did want the very best for him. He remained a very good boy until the end of his days.

Author: Colin Hodd

Freelance writer, goaltender and guy who thinks he has thoughts.

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